One thousand and one nights quotes
One thousand and one nights quotes

He was put to death by the Caliph in a very cruel way, nobody ever knew why.

one thousand and one nights quotes

The vizir who accompanies the Caliph was also a real person of the great family of the Barmecides. The events were often supposed to happen in the reign of the great Caliph, or ruler of the Faithful, Haroun al Raschid, who lived in Bagdad in 786-808 A.D. They dressed the fairy stories up, and made the characters good Mahommedans, living in Bagdad or India. There were no novels then, nor any printed books, of course but there were people whose profession it was to amuse men and women by telling tales. The people of Asia, Arabia, and Persia told them in their own way, not for children, but for grown-up people. There was a great dignity, and I'd like this to be restored again.“Now "The Arabian Nights," some of which, but not nearly all, are given in this volume, are only fairy tales of the East. It's interesting to see how we were open, how we had a dialogue with each other, how we wanted to understand, how we respected each other. They learn a lot from them, especially these stories were written away from the influence of religion.

  • I'd like every single Arab to read One Thousand and One Nights.
  • Jorge Luis Borges, Seven Nights (1984), p.
  • It is a book so vast that it is not necessary to have read it, for it is a part of our memory.
  • Quotes about One Thousand and One Nights
  • Each man envies, the strong openly, the weak in secret.
  • I hope that Allah will not make me immortal, for death is his greatest gift to any true believer.
  • Maslamah ibn Dinar said: "Each pleasure that does not forward the soul to God is not so much as a pleasure as a calamity.".
  • If you must love, oh then, love solitude,
  • On the black road of life think not to find.
  • "Who will change old lamps for new ones? New lamps for old?".
  • The Arabian Nights Entertainments (1811) as translated by Jonathan Scott, Vol.
  • Besides this, she was a perfect beauty, and all her accomplishments were crowned by solid virtue. She had successfully applied herself to philosophy, medicine, history, and the liberal arts and her poetry excelled the compositions of the best writers of her time. She had read much, and had so admirable a memory, that she never forgot any thing she had read.

    one thousand and one nights quotes

    Scheherazade … possessed courage, wit, and penetration, infinitely above her sex.

    one thousand and one nights quotes

    Scheherazade … had read much, and had so admirable a memory, that she never forgot any thing she had read.

    One thousand and one nights quotes